The PCOS Club is founded by Nidhi Saxena Singh and is the only PCOS-specific platform that gives women the knowledge, products, professionals and community they need to diagnose, treat and manage their condition through the changing needs of an entire lifespan, in a personalised way.

Our values


We understand that the information, recommendations and products we share gravely impact the health and wellness of our users and are committed to ensuring that we test, evaluate and verify the authenticity, usefulness and truthfulness of it. Our community’s wellness will always take priority over a revenue or brand building incentive.


We believe that no two women are alike and their individual choices are valid even if we don’t agree with them. Our role is to provide the breadth of choices and not judge the chosen path.


We believe in a two-way ecosystem of knowledge, feedback, learning, community and improvement. Our users must have the avenues to communicate with us and each other in a simple, structured manner so that information and experiences can be shared. Sisterhood is the hallmark of PCOS CLUB INDIA over other women’s health platforms and open communication lines will ensure this sustains, grows and thrives.

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